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ON-LINE order


ON-LINE order

We offer you a great way of giving somebody a gift that will perfectly suit his taste. We have these new gift tokens which can be spent on plants in our garden centre or when ordering on-line. Your friend can then freely choose exactly what he or she likes and you are off the hook as far as making a wrong choice. Standard tokens are available in these values: 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 CZK. Alternatively you can have a value of your own, all you need to do is just fill it in the last line and we will make one out just for you.

 I am ordering gift tokens of the following values and in these quantities:
500 CZK quantity pcs
1000 CZK quantity pcs
2000 CZK quantity pcs
5000 CZK quantity pcs

Ordering data:
Name and surname
Shipping options
Method of payment
Client card number
  **Fill in before sending this code: 365
(to protect against spamdexing)